Coaching Clinics
Clinics for coaches, managers and
parents with Larry Hoskin (
Click here for information on Larry Hoskin).
A league has the responsibility to provide ways for coaches and parents to learn more about the game baseball. But, who can you get to be practical...funny (to keep their interest) and able to teach them what they really need to know.
Over the past 35 years, Larry Hoskin has given hundreds of these Clinics around the nation to leagues just like yours. His Clinics are the most complete. After playing, talking, watching and learning Baseball from people like Ted Williams, Charley Lau, Gary Carter, Bucky Dent, Ernie Banks, Pete Rose, Don Mattingly, and many more, Larry knows what is takes to make a better player.
Larry will cover areas such as drills, hitting, bunting, infield, outfield, pitching, catching, sliding, base running and cutoffs and relays. And finally the ever popular - How to organize a practice session and philosophy of coaching. The Clinics will appeal to Coaches who coach all age levels.
Clinics are about 3 hours in length and can be done indoors, gyms, recreation halls, etc. or outdoors. They can be done for 10 or 500 Coaches. The price for the Clinic is $575 plus travel expenses if applicable.
Larry has over 35 years if teaching Baseball. Larry has a very unique way to explaining how to teach Baseball - THE RIGHT WAY. You will receive a tremendous return on your investment. Larry has traveled all over the world giving Clinics to thousands of people. Larry is considered to be one of the finest instructors/entertainers in the baseball world.
Call 1-561-372-2681 now to reserve your date and give your Coaches, leagues and most of all your players a chance to improve.
Here's What People are Saying
" Youth league baseball and softball coaches will definitely get an edge in the competition after professional and practical instructions from Larry Hoskin."Bob Miller, manage/coach consultant Little League Baseball, NYSCA instructor, clinician and baseball coach for 31 years.
"I've seen them all and Larry is the best. every league should have Mr. Hoskin."Jay Cheek, Director, Sandy Plains Little League, Marietta, GA.
"We have Larry every year. It's the best thing we do for our coaches. Don't miss it!"Chuck Jeroloman, Director, Okeeheele Baseball League, West Palm Beach, FL
"It's the most practical, funniest and yet serious clinic I have ever seen. Every parent in the country should hear his last 20 minutes."Jeff Repka, Director, Delray National Little League, Delray Beach, FL.
"If your league hasn't had a coaches' clinic by Larry Hoskin, get one now! It's the best!"Mike Legere, Kissimmee Little League, Kissimmee, FL.